Jul 5, 2006

Recent jobs

I just finished doing some crew work with a very good director friend of mine Louis-Jean Gorry from Paris, France on a New York City shoot for Hachette Books. Hachette (a large French publishing concern) has recently aquired Time Warner Books and wanted to illustrate the inner workings of the New York City editorial and senior management offices. It was very interesting to be a fly on the wall during high powered editorial meetings that decide everything from which author gets priority publishing to the size of a book run to the design of the cover. Apparently the publishing business is going strong and more people in America are reading.
Client: Hachette Books
Production Company: EJO Films, Paris

Also just finished designing some new logos for Encore Music in Sydney Australia. Encore delivers real time streaming music and video broadcasts directly to retail outlets and supermarkets (those TV screens you see in every store...)

I was also a judge for this year's PROMAX / BDA Awards. The conference took place in New York City in June. I judged TV promo and ID entries.

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